Efforts continue to find quality wheat growers in our Southern California region.
Meanwhile, we can look into cultivating some grain right in our back yards. Or front yards. Bake Your Lawn is the motto of a movement that started in the United Kingdom, to grow wheat in the neighborhood and get families and schools involved.
You can do as much or as little as suits you, with the understanding that a couple of rows of wheat along your back fence could yield more than enough wheat kernels for some wonderful bread.
I planted three 6-foot rows of Glenn in a spot near our garage. Seed about two inches apart and an inch deep.

The wheat sprouted in three days and was 18" high in three weeks.
In just over a month, booting took place and seed heads were beginning to appear.
Usually wheat is planted in late fall or early spring, but this crop developed in July and August while we were away and a neighbor was giving them occasional watering. It happened fast.

Our small acreage had a yield of about one hundred seed heads, some quite open, but most hanging onto their kernels.
Glenn has a reputation for resisting shattering.
Looks like about 150g of fresh wheat berries, right out of our front yard.
Enough to enrich a country loaf of sourdough.

Hello! Where can I get wheat seed? I would love to try this at our school!